Dr Pablo Ouro
Science for a sustainable future
Research Fellow.
The University of Manchester, UK
Under review/submitted
[-] Zhao C, Ouro P, Stoesser T, Dey B, Fang H. Response of flow and saltating particle characteristics to bed roughness and particle spatial density. Submitted.
[-] Mueller S, Muhawenimana V, Wilson CAME, Ouro P. Experimental investigation of the wake characteristics behind twin vertical axis turbines. Under reivew.
Published Journal Papers
[25] Performance and wake characteristics of tidal turbines in an infinitely large array.
Ouro P, Nishino T.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Accepted.
[24] Leaky barriers: impact of physical design on movement of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
Mueller S, Wilson CAME, Ouro P, Cable J.
Water Resource Research. Accepted.
[23] On the performance of a highly-scalable Computational Fluid Dynamics code on AMD, ARM and Intel processors.
Ouro P, Lopez-Novoa U, Guest M.
Computational Physics Communications. Accepted.
[22] Theoretical modelling of the three-dimensional wake of vertical axis turbines.
Ouro P, Lazennec M.
Flow. 1: E3.
[21] Free surface flow over square bars at different Reynolds numbers.
Jalalabadi R, Stoesser T, Ouro P, Luo Q, Xie Z.
Journal of Hydro-environmental Research. 36: 67-76.
[20] Leaky barriers: leaky enough for fish to pass?.
Mueller S, Wilson CAME, Ouro P, Cable J.
Royal Society Open Science. 8: 201843.
[19] Propagation of a solitary wave over a finite submerged thin plate.
Christou A, Stoesser T, Xie Z, Ouro P.
Applied Ocean Research. 106: 102435.
[18] Drivers for mass and momentum exchange between the main channel and river bank lateral cavities
Ouro P, Juez C, Franca M.
Advances in Water Resources. 137:103511. 2020. [URL] [PDF]
[17] Performance assessment of a tidal turbine using two flow references.
Harrold M, Ouro P, O'Doherty T.
Renewable Energy. 153:624-633. 2020. [URL]
[16] An Actuator Surface Model to simulate vertical axis turbines.
Massie L, Ouro P, Stoesser T.
Energies. 12(24):4741. 2019. [URL]
[15] Spanwise cylinder wake hydrodynamics and fish behaviour.
Muhawenimana V, Wilson CAME, Ouro P, Cable J.
Water Resources Research. 55(11):8569-8582. 2019. [URL]
[14] Asymmetric wake of a horizontal cylinder in close proximity to a solid boundary for Reynolds numbers in the subcritical turbulence regime.
Ouro P, Muhawenimana V, Wilson CAME.
Physical Review Fluids. 4: 104604. 2019. [URL] [PDF]
[13] Analysis of array spacing on tidal stream turbine farm performance using Large-Eddy Simulation.
Ouro P, Ramirez L, Harrold M.
Journal of Fluids and Structures. 91: 102732. 2019. [PDF]
[12] Friction factor decomposition for rough-wall flows: theoretical background and application to open-channel flows.
Nikora V, Stoesser T, Cameron S, Stewart M, Papadopoulos K, Ouro P, McSherry R, Zampiron A, Marusic I, Falconer R.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 872: 626-664. 2019. [URL]
[11] Rotor Loading Characteristics of a Full-Scale Tidal Turbine.
Harrold M, Ouro P.
Energies. 12(6): 1035. 2019. [PDF] Invited feature article and Cover of its issue.
[10] Three-dimensionality of the wake recovery behind a vertical axis turbine.
Ouro P, Runge S, Luo Q, Stoesser T.
Renewable Energy. 133: 1066-1077. 2019. [PDF]
[9] Speedup of an Eulerian-Lagrangian large-eddy simulation solver by hybrid MPI-OpenMP parallelisation.
Ouro P, Fraga B, Lopez-Novoa U, Stoesser T.
Computers and Fluids. 179: 123:136. 2019. [PDF]
[8] Impact of Environmental Turbulence on the Performance and Loadings of a Tidal Current Turbine.
Ouro P, Stoesser T.
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. 102 (3), 613-639. 2019. [PDF]
[7] Effect of blade cambering on dynamic stall in view of designing vertical axis turbines.
Ouro P, Stoesser T, Ramirez L.
ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering. 140(6): 061104. 2018. [PDF]
[6] A higher order Chimera method for finite volumes schemes.
Ramirez L, Nogueira X, Ouro P, Navarrina F, Khedalli S, Colominas I.
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. 25(3): 691-706. 2018. [URL]
[5] Dispersion of a Passive Scalar in a Turbulent Separated Flow.
Ouro P, Fraga B, Viti N, Angeloudis A, Stoesser T, Gualtieri C.
Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 18(2): 487-513. 2018. [PDF]
[4] Large-eddy simulation of shallow turbulent wakes behind a conical island.
Ouro P, Wilson CAME, Evans P, Angeloudis A.
Physics of Fluids. 29 (12): 126601. 2017. [PDF]
Ouro P, Stoesser T.
Computers and Fluids. 152: 74-87. 2017. [PDF]
[2] Hydrodynamic loadings on a horizontal axis tidal turbine prototype.
Ouro P, Harrold M, Stoesser T, Bromley P.
Journal of Fluids and Structures. 71: 78-95. 2017. [URL]
[1] An immersed boundary method for unstructured meshes in depth averaged shallow water models.
Ouro P, Cea L, Ramirez L, Nogueira X.
International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids. 81: 672-688. 2016. [URL]

Book Chapters
[3] Prediction of the Wake Behind a Horizontal Axis Tidal Turbine using an LES-ALM.
Ouro P, Harrold M, Ramirez L, Stoesser T.
Progress in CFD for wind and tidal offshore turbines, Springer, pp. 25-45. 2019. [PDF]
[2] A Higher-Order Chimera Method Based on Moving Least Squares.
Ramirez L, Nogueira X, Ouro P, Navarrina F, Khelladi S, Colominas I.
Progress in CFD for wind and tidal offshore turbines, Springer, pp. 73-82. 2019. [URL]
[1] Large-Eddy Simulation of a Vertical Axis Tidal Turbine using an Immersed Boundary Method.
Ouro P, Stoesser T, McSherry R.
CFD for Wind and Tidal Offshore Turbines, Springer, pp. 49-58. 2015. [URL]