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Offshore renewable energy farms: wake effects or improving energy harnessing are some of the topics we are currently investigating.


River turbinesriver turbine arrays as sustainable resource for energy generation.


Wall-rough turbulencemechanisms leading to bed resistance with heterogeneous bed roughness.​


Environmental Fluid Mechanicswoody debris dams, multi-scale modelling.

Microplastics: interaction of sediment and microplastics.​

High-Performance Computing: Optimisation the performance and scalability of CFD codes on the latest HPC architectures, e.g. ARM, AMD, Intel.​

Swimming fish kinematics: impact of anthropogenic structures in fish passage or energy expenditure, in the wake of turbines or woody debris dams.

We study environmental fluid mechanics with

state-of-the-art high-fidelity numerical simulations

  and experiments in hydraulic flumes

that we use to build theoretical models.

Selected recent publications

[] Drivers for mass and momentum exchange between the main channel and river bank lateral cavities. 

Ouro P, Juez C, Franca M. 

Advances in Water Resources. 137:103511. 2020[URL] [PDF]

[] Analysis of array spacing on tidal stream turbine farm performance using Large-Eddy Simulation. 

Ouro P, Ramirez L, Harrold M. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 91: 102732. 2019. [PDF]

[] Friction factor decomposition for rough-wall flows: theoretical background and application to open-channel flows.

Nikora V, Stoesser T, Cameron S, Stewart M, Papadopoulos K, Ouro P, McSherry R, Zampiron A, Marusic I, Falconer R.  Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 872: 626-664. 2019. [URL]

Latest news

07/2021 9th ISEH conference, South Korea. Best paper award received by our contribution led by the PhD student Stephanie Mueller.

11/2020 Seminar talk. IHE-Delft. Last talk "From experiments to large-eddy simulation: developing efficienc hydrokinetic turbine arrays", can be watched again on:

09/2020 The University of Manchester. Pablo has joint the top-30 university as a Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw Fellow to continue his research in the field of offshore renewable energy.

08/2019. Researchers prove that new supercomputers can compete with the mainstream. Cardiff University researchers prove that ARM-based processors are production-ready and competitive with existing mainstream processors. [link]

Upcoming conferences

European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 2021. Plymouth, UK.

IAHR World Congress 2021. Granada, Spain. 

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